Bod Alsager wins prestigious design award for its conversion from solicitor's office

By The Editor

19th Jun 2024 | Local News

Cheers! Bod Alsager has won a design award. (Photo: Nub News)
Cheers! Bod Alsager has won a design award. (Photo: Nub News)

An Alsager pub has won a coveted CAMRA award for its refurbishment from a former solicitor's office into its current use. 

Bod Alsager has won the Conversion to Pub Use award category which is judged by a panel of experts in design and conservation with categories ranging from refurbishment to new build. 

CAMRA says the Conversion to Pub Use award category rewards "outstanding conversions of buildings which were originally built for other uses and have now been transformed into a pub". 

The judges look for conversions which successfully create the pub ambience in a building not designed as one, but also those which bring out the character of the building that has been converted 


Bod Alsager needed considerable work to convert it. (Photo: Nub News)

Titanic Brewery's Bod Alsager, was previously a former solicitors' office, and needed considerable remodelling to be suitable as a hospitality venue, say CAMRA. 

"The pub features extensive use of recycled and re-purposed materials, converting the original internal doors into the frontage of a bespoke bar and a chandelier made from Titanic beer bottles," they said. 

"Judges also praised the new light and airy conservatory which supplies a 'wow' factor to the bar."  

Chair of the Pub Design Awards judging panel, Andrew Davison, said: "Once again, the Pub Design Awards' judges have had a hard job in selecting the winners from the entries submitted. 

"Despite the pressures the hospitality industry is under, we are pleased to report that people are still prepared to invest time, money, and resources into conserving their buildings, and upgrading them to meet the latest challenges. 


Bod Alsager is part of the Titanic Brewery portfolio. (Photo: Nub News)

"Our Pub Design awards recognise the high standards of flair and imagination which have gone into these projects, and the ambitious craftsmanship involved in the repair and conservation work. 

"Despite everything thrown at it, we believe that the pub has a key role to play in our communities, and that it will continue to flourish as an institution. 

"The high quality of the entries for these awards provides evidence to support that belief." 

Jonathan Wright, head of retail for Titanic Brewery, said "We were absolutely delighted to hear that bod Alsager has been recognised with this prestigious national award.

"Bod café bars are all about creating warm and inviting spaces where people can come to meet, eat, drink and relax. From coffees in the morning to pints at night, we have worked hard to design a space that is comfortable and welcoming no matter the time of day, whilst also remaining sympathetic to the original architecture and features of the building.

"Pubs continue to close in this country at an alarming rate, but we are proud to be doing our part to try and buck that trend.

"We now operate eight bod café bars across the Midlands, and seven of them are converted buildings that have served other purposes in the past – from old banks to train station waiting lounges.

"Our Bod in Alsager was formerly a solicitor's office that had stood empty for some time. We're thrilled that we have been able to breathe new life into this building, and are grateful to the local community who have welcomed us with open arms!"

 CAMRA's awards director Laura Emson added: "It is only right that the blood, sweat and tears poured into these pubs is celebrated. I would like to raise a glass to all these award-worthy pubs! 

 "We hope beer-lovers across the country will seek out these breathtaking examples of how beautiful UK pubs can be, if given the appropriate love and care these much-loved establishments truly deserve."  

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